WINGS is an informal fellowship/service group that meets once a month during the school year. We meet before the church service in the library. We have found it beneficial to take a couple of months off during the busy summer.

Our main service project for the year was sending care packages to Epiphany’s college students. This was our 14th year of sending packages. A total of eight care packages were sent throughout the school year. They included such things as inspirational notes, snacks, gift cards, candy and other surprises. Occasionally, we doubled the amount of care packages assembled so each college student from Epiphany could give an extra package to a friend, a roommate or another student at his/her school. These packages have been well received and we enjoy using them as a means of keeping these young adults connected to their church family.

We also send each student a gift card on his/her birthday. Just one more way of letting these young adults know we care.

We continue to be support for the members of our group and for other projects in the church throughout the year.

In His Service,
Denise Baker