For 2019 we have received a pledge amount of $173,316. With a corresponding decrease in pledges, this means that the church council again must be vigilant in watching very closely the finances for the upcoming year. We would like to thank everyone who gave last year whether it be through pledged money, non-pledged money, or simply loose donations in the offering plates. In addition we would like to thank everyone who has pledged for the upcoming year.

 We would like to thank a number of people who have helped out this past year. The Finance Committee consisted of Ed Riley, Lane Carlisle, Margaret Ramos, and Bill Schroeder. The counters consisted of Bill Schroeder, Virginia Steninger, and Ed Riley. We thank Alan Thomas for the past few years that he served as Financial Secretary, and we thank Sharon Skinner for taking over that role from Alan this year. We especially thank Margaret Ramos for stepping in as a volunteer to be Treasurer. She has done a tremendous job in improving our financial reporting and management. All of these people have had an important role in helping to plan the church’s finances, handle the incoming monies and to verify that the monies were managed properly.

In Christ,
Pastor David